WELCOME (Must read with important information)

Dear Students:

Welcome to Upgrade Yourself Daily - Seven Days of Meditation to De-stress and Rejuvenate. I hope you will all join me on a special journey as we dive into the ocean of Qi and discover an upgraded self with new energy.

  1. For each of these 7 days, we will spend about 45-60 minutes working on a particular theme. Then, with energy cultivation and practice, we can sharpen our awareness and empower our organs and general wellbeing with this new energy. After the workshop, a package of 5-minute meditation exercises for each healing sound will be offered for you to download and practice daily offline!
  2. If your time allows, we strongly recommend you do the workshop in 7 days because that gives you the advantage of building up your energy and clearing your awareness each day. If you cannot do it within 7 days, arrange your own pace according to your schedule. For example, you can follow one of these modules every other day, every three days, or on a weekly basis.
  3. You can use FORUM to discuss and share your experience with other participants. And if you have questions, you can email [email protected]. Just please allow a few working days for us to get back to you.
  4. At the end of the course, there is a section for TESTIMONIALS. If you are satisfied with the course, we would appreciate your letting us know by wrIting us about what was helpful to you as a testimonial. It will be deeply appreciated.
  5. When you finish the whole course, you will be granted a certificate of completion. Please make sure: 1. The user name you register under is the same name you want to appear on your Certificate. 2. Click "Complete and continue" on the top right corner of EVERY single course page including this one. That way, your percentage of completion will be noted, and when you reach 100%, the Certificate will be ready for you right there.

Good Qi and wish you a great journey!

Robert Peng

Complete and Continue