Ocean Whispers & 100 Days of Darkness and Night

Thank you for participating in my 17 Weeks Master Key Qigong Workshop. To further enhance your journey, I'm pleased to offer two additional resources for you to download and incorporate into your practice.

Ocean Whispers

This audio track is meticulously crafted with multiple layers of ocean sounds to regulate your breathing and harmonize your space. By playing "Ocean Whispers" in any room, you transform it into a serene sanctuary connected with the universal energy. It can be used in various ways:

  • Harmonize Space: Play it anywhere to clear stagnation and bless the space.
  • Shamanic Guidance: Listen and let your imagination embark on a healing journey guided by the ancient wisdom of the ocean.
  • Guide Your Breath: Follow the rhythm of the waves to balance your breathing, enhancing relaxation and well-being.

One Hundred Days of Darkness and Light

In this compelling audiobook, Qigong Master Robert Peng shares his profound experiences and the spiritual teachings of his mentor, Master Xiao Yao. Here’s a brief overview of each chapter:

Chapter One: "The Mysterious Mr. Tan"
Introduction to Xiao Yao, the legendary monk and Robert's early encounters with him. Xiao Yao's simple life as a boiler room attendant and their clandestine training sessions.

Chapter Two: "At a Crossroads"
The adventures and challenges Robert faces with Shifu Tan, deepening his training. Encounters with mystical elements like the rainbow tree, symbolizing pivotal moments in his spiritual journey.

Chapter Three: "One Hundred Days of Darkness and Light"
Robert's transformative experience during a 100-day water fast in a dark chamber beneath Jiuyi Temple, embodying the dual themes of death and rebirth, darkness and enlightenment.

Chapter Four: "University Days"
Robert’s transition to modern life, adopting the name Robert Peng. His dual role as an English and Qigong teacher, bridging two worlds.

Chapter Five: "My World Opens Up"
Experiences on Hainan Island and profound realizations about his path. Emulating Xiao Yao’s teachings and lifestyle, embracing his spiritual identity.

Epilogue: "The Six 'No Worries'
Concluding thoughts on living a life free from worries, inspired by Xiao Yao’s philosophy.


This audiobook is also available for purchase on Amazon's Audible platform. Click HERE to buy.

Good Qi
Robert Peng

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