Dear Students,

Welcome to Module 4 of the Master Key Qigong Series.

As we venture further into our exploration, this module introduces us to the captivating practice of Qi Balls, a foundational exercise essential for anyone drawn to the profound connection with Qi—the vital force that animates all life and the universe itself.

Creating Qi Balls transcends the simple action of bringing your hands together; it's an immersive experience of sensing, shaping, and amplifying the vibrant energy nestled between your palms. This practice not only heightens your sensitivity to Qi but also fortifies the bond within your own energy fields.

As we conclude our sessions, we warmly embrace the Inner Smile and Yawning exercises, each offering unique benefits to our Qigong journey. The Inner Smile extends a profound greeting to oneself, channeling warmth, love, and positivity inward to nurture a healing environment of self-compassion. This technique effectively melts away stress, ushering in deep, internal peace.

Conversely, Yawning acts as a natural conduit to relaxation, activating the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for our restorative 'rest and digest' functions. This intuitive yet powerful gesture signals our body to ease into a state of relaxation and rejuvenation, preparing us to fully assimilate the fruits of our practice.

Embarking on this journey, let's hold our hearts and minds open, ready to delve into the depths of Qi and the transformative power it possesses.

Good Qi
Robert Peng

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