Deepen Your Practice

Reflective Insights:

  • What is the primary focus of Lotus Meditation as described in Module 15 of the Master Key Qigong Series?
  • Describe the symbolism of the lotus flower in Lotus Meditation.
  • How does the Lotus Meditation use the visualization of Guanyin Buddha?
  • What effect does the visualization of the light entering the heart and turning into a lotus flower have during the meditation?

Open Inquiries:

  • Reflect on how the symbolism of the lotus flower can be applied to your personal growth and spiritual journey. How does the idea of purity emerging from adversity resonate with your life experiences?
  • After practicing Lotus Meditation, what insights or feelings emerged regarding your connection with the qualities of compassion, purity, and spiritual awakening? How do these qualities manifest in your daily life?
  • Consider the visualization of merging with Guanyin Buddha. How could this aspect of the meditation challenge or support your understanding of self and the notion of oneness with the divine?
  • The Lotus Meditation involves transforming light into a glowing presence within and around you. Reflect on how this transformational aspect of light relates to your perception of inner strength and resilience. What does it mean to you to carry this light within your daily actions and interactions?

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